A zed and two noughts
A zed and two noughts

They are also nude in the final scene where they kill themselves in an effort to photograph their own decay. In one scene they show up naked in Van Meegren's mansion for no particular reason. Male Frontal Nudity: The brothers do this more than once.Limited Wardrobe: Caterina, servant to-Van Meegeren apparently? It isn't quite clear-is always, always seen wearing a very wide-brimmed red hat, even when she isn't wearing anything else like when she's posing for a painting.Fanservice: The attractive Venus naked in bed after sex with Oliver.The clearest examples are the early scene where Oliver is naked in his bathroom, having cut himself up with broken glass, or the ending scene where the brothers strip naked before lying down and poisoning each other with injections. Fan Disservice: Most of the scenes where one or both of the brothers are naked are at least somewhat disturbing.

a zed and two noughts

  • Then Oliver and Oswald kill themselves via injections, in order to photograph their own bodies in decay.
  • She promises to let the brothers use her corpse for one of their time lapse decay series, but as she predicts, her family claims her body.
  • It isn't quite clear how Alba dies, actually, but it seems like she kills herself.
  • Creepy Twins: They're obsessed with death, they take time lapse photos of rotting corpses, they're formerly conjoined twins that want to be re-joined.
  • Coordinated Clothes: The brothers start dressing identically as they make themselves over into identical twins.
  • a zed and two noughts a zed and two noughts

    As they begin growing closer together they express a desire to be joined together again, although they never act on it, settling for wearing oversized jackets and pants that they both fit into. Conjoined Twins: Oswald and Oliver are revealed to be formerly conjoined twins who were separated.As You Know: Early in the film Venus asks Oliver "How is your brother Oswald?", to establish the nature of the relationship between the two men.

    #A zed and two noughts license#

    Artistic License – Biology: Conjoined twins are always identical, and Oswald and Oliver aren't (although they'd clearly like to be).

    A zed and two noughts